Select Life Chiropractic

Life is full of choices…Select yours.

We've Moved!

We have moved out of our NE Brainerd location to a beautiful spot in Baxter. We've also updated our look! Please be patient as we are in the process of converting all of our signage, documents, web images, etc. We look forward to serving you at our new space!


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

From all of us at Select Life Chiropractic, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We will be out of the office December 24th and 25th to celebrate with our families and will resume normal clinic hours on Monday, December 28th. The office will also be closed for the New Year on Friday, January 1st. We are looking forward to 2021 and are excited to continue helping you meet your health goals!freestocks--Qf9JKLysUg-unsplash

COVID-19 Update and Response

During this time of uncertainty, we will remain open and continue to offer our services to treat patients in need unless instructed otherwise. Rest assured, we are taking precautionary steps as recommended by the American Chiropractic Association and the Minnesota Chiropractic Association which are based on the current CDC and MN Department of Health guidelines.

As stated by the ACA, Doctors of Chiropractic are primary contact healthcare providers who provide essential care, including, but not limited to, managing acute and urgent musculoskeletal conditions. These services are critical for helping triage and manage cases that otherwise may end up in urgent care and emergency rooms. Chiropractic helps keep healthcare providers, first responders and critical infrastructure in place, including transportation that supports healthcare and food supplies during this pandemic.

As per the MCA, we are recommending keeping and scheduling your appointments if you are suffering from acute musculoskeletal conditions only. We are asking that you please refrain from coming in to our office and enter a 2 week self-quarantine if you have or have come in contact with anyone with the following symptoms:
  • Fever (+100.4)
  • Cough (Productive or Non-Productive)
  • Bronchitis or Respiratory Infection
  • Sore Throat
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Digestive complains such as Vomiting or Diarrhea
  • Severe fatigue not associated with travel, myalgia and/or arthralgia.

We are currently taking steps to do our part and prevent the spread of COVID-19. We will continue to monitor what our state and local health officials recommend and will update as things progress.

February Massage Special

Valentine's day is over, but it's still not too late to pamper yourself. There are four days left to get a one hour massage at 21.4% off our regular price. We have two excellent therapists ready to help you relax, soothe, and ease your mind and symptoms!

Give Seniors The Medicare Coverage They Need and Deserve: Full Access to and Reimbursement for Services Provided by Doctors of Chiropractic

In order to benefit America's Medicare patients, ACA’s House of Delegates passed a resolution in February 2015 making Medicare parity a top legislative priority of the association. Chiropractic inclusion in the Medicare program (which is essentially coverage of one service: manual manipulation of the spine to correct a subluxation),  was established in 1972 and has since seen little change, other than elimination of the X-ray requirement in 1997 – despite aggressive lobbying efforts by ACA and its members for decades. This means seniors are being denied the full range of chiropractic services that could help them lead healthier and happier lives.

Please visit to learn more and sign the petition or click the link below!

National Medicare Equality Petition